feeling polished

>> 16 July 2010

Piggybacking on yesterday's theme of paint and color, today I am showcasing some of my fav nail colors for the summer! Painting your nails is a simple way to feel polished (no pun intended) and instantly brighten a mood. Here are some of the best colors I've seen lately:

OPI: Jade is the New Black
This color is just bold enough to make a statement. It makes me feel like I'm in a jungle, actually. Sassy, summery, and looks great with bright clothes like yellow or orange.

Essie: Mint Candy Apple
This is the color currently on my nails. When I first saw it in the bottle, I figured it would be a nice, light pastel. Much to my delight, this color packs a lot of punch! Though it is light, it's pleasantly bright as well. Looks great with a little denim sundress or black and white.

Sally Hansen: Commander in Chic
This color is currently on my toes. I am in love with its neutrality combined with just a hint of purple. It looks great on any skin tone and matches with any outfit. Bonus: I have never had a polish last as long without chipping as this one! Kudos to my namesake, Sally!

OPI: Need Sunglasses?
Yes, in fact I do need sunglasses all summer. I had to end these selections with a punch, and this polish truly delivers. This yellow is bright and cheery, but it feels much more lemon and juicy than taxi cab. It is sure to make your day sunny.

What are some of your favorite summer shades?


let's colour!

>> 15 July 2010

You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a rock star to change the world. This is truly evident in a worldwide project:
Let's Colour Project.

What is their goal? Simple: It is a worldwide initiative to transform grey spaces with colorful paint. They are working with local communities to paint streets, houses, schools, and squares. How amazing is that?!

Their philosophy is that color can infuse joy, rejuvenation, enthusiasm, and inspiration. What I love about this project is that the concept is so simple, anyone can participate! They encourage everyone to share their color -- whether it be on a wall, a home, or a school.

One photo on their blog I found particularly amazing was this hotel in Amsterdam:

It looks like a fairy tale!

How will YOU infuse some color into your life?


is your brain on overload?

>> 14 July 2010

How many things are you doing right now?

If you're anything like me, you're on your computer, you're texting your friend about happy hour plans tomorrow, the television is set to HGTV in the background, you're waiting for those cupcakes to finish baking, you're thinking about how you should probably return you mom's call from (two? three? eight?) days ago...

Um...how can one do so many things at once? Simple: We can't.

It's a fact that the human brain cannot conduct two cognitive tasks at once. Sure, you can run AND listen to music; however, you cannot read a novel AND watch Liz Lemon do something awkward and truly focus on both.

Our culture has become obsessed with multitasking. If you've been on a job interview lately, you likely boasted your skills as a "great multitasker." My family can't get through a game of Scrabble without someone getting out their phone. Heck -- AT&T even assures people that they can talk on the phone WHILE searching online!

I imagine that this obsession with multitasking is a result of the convenience of technology: There are so many ways to entertain oneself these days! But, is it helping us advance as a society? According to one study, the excessive multitasking is actually hurting our ability to focus! Too...many...bursts...of info...

This is probably not groundbreaking information to anyone. The bigger question might be, "How can I focus?" Here are a few tips to stay on top of the multitasking trap:

1) Become aware of what you are doing. Step one is making the concious effort to notice how often you talk on the phone, glance at GoogleNews, and paint your nails all at the same time. You can't stop doing something unless you realize you are doing it!

2) Set yourself up to focus. Place your phone in one designated place while you're at home instead of in your pocket or in your left hand. Keep your computer in it's own room (or area if you have a small space like me!). Go into a technology-free area when talking on the phone and listen to the other person speak!

3) Strive to prioritize. Instead of taking design notes watching David Bromstad while you research volunteer opportunities and listen to stories from you sister about her "amazing boyfriend," stop. Evaluate everything you want to accomplish in your evening or your day at work. Make a list of different things you'd like or need to do. Once you see your tasks, it will be much easier to work on things one at a time, and you won't feel the need to rush around and work on too many things at once.

Sounds simple, no? The benefits are endless. Your boss will appreciate your organization and attention to detail (you won't miss that important sentence as you scan an email because you were on the phone anymore!). Your friends will appreciate your listening skills (you will hear the mumble about the dog chewing her fav headband and shock her with a new one!).

You will be amazed at your newfound productivity! Efficiency rules.


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