just a little about me
>> 06 July 2010
I'm a pretty simple girl. I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch almost every day. I delight in spending my Sundays reading the newspaper (as in black and white and read all over; not a digital supplement). I still send greeting cards on a regular basis.
My mission is simple: I want to find the art and beauty in everything I do. It could be a killer pair of boots walking down the street, a brilliant paint color featured on HGTV, a scrumptious-looking cupcake in a bakery window, a perfect shade of pink lipstick...you get the idea. Simple? Yes. Beautiful? Yes. Fabulous? YES!
But...why plain and dimple?
Extravagance wears me out. Save the drama for your mama. You get the idea - I keep things plain and simple. Plus, I was blessed with cheeks full of dimples. And I love plays on words. Thusly, plain and dimple manifested.
Let's connect! Email me at sally.b.flowers(at)gmail(dot)com, Or, follow me on @plainanddimple for more fabulous thoughts in 140 characters or less.
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